The Original MetroCard
The Original MetroCard
MetroCard and ink on paper, 9.25H x 8”
“The Original MetroCard” – Not everyone knows that the MetroCard we know and love (and whose loss we’ll soon lament) had a predecessor – MetroCard #1 (here recreated in a collage made from the current MetroCard and in its own little MetroCard frame). I guess that like Picasso, the MetroCard had a blue period. I rather like this version – it looks like the card you’d use when you took the subway at night. FYI, the MetroCard was introduced in 1993 and was the creation of a design firm called Cubic Transportation Systems. I wish I knew the name of the actual person who designed it - I’d like to shake their hand and thank them for creating this little icon that’s meant so much to so many New Yorkers (and visitors) for so long and so very much to me personally. Thank you!
So - which MetroCard version do you prefer?